
Creating a website


The cost of creating a website depends on the design and its complexity, the number of sections and additional functionality.


Terminology used:

(1) Dynamic homepage: is a website where content is generated or changed when a user performs certain actions or enters data. These websites may offer personalized content that is refreshed in real time based on user input or other factors. Dynamic websites use programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript to create dynamic content and may offer interactive features such as online stores or user ratings.


(2) Static homepage: is a website where the content remains the same without manual changes. In these types of websites, information is pre-prepared and placed in HTML files that are sent to users in the same ways, regardless of their actions. Static homepages can be useful for simple projects that do not require frequent information updates or user interaction. However, they are not always able to provide as much adaptability and dynamism as dynamic homepages.


(3) Responsive website: is a website that is designed and customized in a way to effectively adapt and optimize for different devices and screen sizes. This approach is especially important given the diversity of different devices and screens, such as computer monitors, tablets and mobile phones.


(4) Individual homepage: is a website that is custom-made, with non-standard functionality that is not available by default. Examples of such websites are pages that were created for the management of certain content, internal data management systems, accounting systems, etc.


Price From 300 - 700 € + VAT From 500 - 3000 € + VAT From 500 - 5000 € + VAT
Responsive design
With your own design 0 € €15 +VAT for adapting the system to the design €15 + VAT for adapting the system to the design
Creating a design from scratch From 50 € + VAT From 50 € + VAT From 50 € + VAT
Interface languages Latvian, English, Russian Latvian, English, Russian Latvian, English, Russian
Content translation Up to 50 € + VAT Up to 50 € + VAT Up to 50 € + VAT
Hosting on our server From €4.17 + VAT per month
From €50 + VAT per year
(maintenance fee subject to change)
From €4.17 + VAT per month
From €50 + VAT per year
(maintenance fee subject to change)
From €4.17 + VAT per month
From €50 + VAT per year
(maintenance fee subject to change)
Selfhosted 0 € 0 € 0 €
Domain registration The price depends on the service provider, such as The price depends on the service provider, such as The price depends on the service provider, such as
Fixing errors Errors made during programming €0 Errors made during programming €0 Errors made during programming €0
Providing support
and training
Assessed individually, from €0 Assessed individually, from €0 Assessed individually, from €0